Friday, June 5, 2015

Summer Reading List

I am determined to read a few books by the end of September. I am literally a hoarder of books. My bookshelf is completely full and there are so many books I haven't read and two coming out that I can't wait to buy. You might be wondering why I don't download them onto my tablet. That answer is simple, I like the feel of the physical book, yes I have some on my tablet for short travels but it's not the same. Why don't I borrow them from the library? Well I WANT them. At this point, the only thing I want with my house (whenever that may be) is a library. Just like the library in beauty and the beast, alright I lied--- it can be smaller but you get the idea.

Books I want to read: 

1. Alan Turing: The Enigma- I've actually already started this and it's good so far. My reasoning for reading this is because I loved the movie The Imitation Game and that movie was base don this book by Andrea Hodges. It's the story of Alan Turing, someone who did so many remarkable things and no one ever knew until after his untimely death. Don't know him? I'll let you know on one of his many accomplishments -- inventor of the Turing machine aka the computer. 

2. A Storm of Swords- there isn't much to say about this one. I've read the first two in a Song of Ice and Fire and I watch the T.V. show. Essentially, no matter how difficult these books are to get through, I need to finish.

3. Wild- This is a another nonfiction like Alan Turing, the Enigma. Two in one summer is a lot for me by the way. It's about a young woman who loses her mother and copes with it by hiking. I haven't heard much more except it's a quick read and really good so I'm pretty excited. Yes, it just came out as a movie, yes that's how I heard about it, no I have not seen it.

4- Still Alice- last but not least is Still Alice. I first came across this just like Wild, it became a movie. Everyone keeps telling me to see the movie but I'm waiting until I read this. Still Alice is about a woman who finds out she has Alzheimer's disease and how she (and her family) cope with it.There's a few reasons why I wanted to read this: I'm in the healthcare field, I've actually worked with people who have this debilitating disease and I wrote my capstone/thesis on Alzheimer's disease and activities that benefit those who have it.

Books I can't wait to come out!

The Girl in the Spider's Web: This is the fourth book in The Girl with a Dragon Tattoo series. Although the author Steig Larsson passed away, his story and characters have not. His author's estate gates chose a new author to continue the story and I just cannot wait! The first three were so addicting-- maybe if I re-read them I'll write a book review up for you guys. Item available: September 1st, 2015!

Career of Evil (Cormoran Strike Series #3) So there is nothing really known about Career of Evil by Robert Galbraith (aka JK Rowling) but it's coming out some time this fall. The two main characters will be back! If you can't remember what the mystery series is about check out here and here.

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