Sunday, October 11, 2015

We're Moving

That's right, you read that title right. Before you get excited for us..don't. We aren't really moving because we want to but more because we have to. It's just down the road so it won't effect our every day drive to work except for the fact that we are getting a roommate....

We didn't have a choice, and luckily we have a friend who is being super kind and letting us move in with. It's not what we were hoping for -- you know, we wanted to maybe be thinking about new jobs with a house not the same jobs with a new apartment that consists of a roommate but it's temporary and we'll make it work.

What I didn't realize is HOW much stuff Bud and I have gathered in two years. It's a lot and with the temporary move we  have our stuff going to my mom's, Bud's parents house and to the apartment we are moving into. So that's a lot of stuff in a lot of different places. What are we doing to help? We're trying our hardest to figure out what we need, what we want and what we can get rid of.

- Luckily, I've been getting a lot better at my clothes situation, so that won't be as big of a problem as some might think.

- The worse would have to be the kitchen. We have a lot of kitchen stuff but so does our new roommate..what are we doing about? Well, we are getting rid of things that we don't use, giving things away to people who might like them and bringing all of our favorite things with us.

                  * At some point I want a bigger place, with just the two of us and with some nicer things. Therefore we're getting rid of the not-so-nice stuff. Including plastic cups, plates, bowls and silverware that we don't like. We are donating most of the stuff, though we did try (pretty unsuccessfully) to have a yard sale as well.

- We are doing the same when it comes to towels and our books/DVDs. If there is a book that I know I'm not going to read for awhile, I'm storing it away. Why aren't I just selling or donating it? I want a library. A legit library, in my house. That might be the only thing I really really want and I've already started the collection.

I have to admit, I'm pretty happy with what we've gotten rid of and kept though I think we probably could have gotten rid of even more. It's good practice for now...this way we already know what we don't want or need for whenever that day happens when we have someplace bigger.

Do you have any suggestions to make this move even easier on us? If so, don't hesitate we could use all the help/advice we can get!

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