Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Spring Forward!

It's almost Spring, I mean I'm literally writing this thinking how I can't believe we've changed the clocks and the first day of spring is just days away. What a terrible, terrible winter this was. I definitely had the winter blues and I HATED it. I felt bored most of the time because Francis and I couldn't do anything we like to do except rock climb. There wasn't enough snow for winter activities but it wasn't warm enough for spring/summer/fall activities. It was very annoying and I'm happy that looks to have ended. But now Spring is here so it's time to spring forward!

What do I mean by Spring forward? I mean it's time to get outside and be active. Francis and I have already started running outside or going for walks after work if the weather isn't rainy. I've joined a facebook group that helps give each other motivation to workout and eat healthy and I went to my first zumba class in over a year. I was dead, so it obviously showed me that I am out of shape but it still felt good to get out there!

Francis and I are also thinking about golfing near Easter Weekend, we are hoping by then there won't be able any muddy/rainy grass to golf on. I'm also really excited for bike rides and hiking. We have a goal this season of BOTH of us running a 5K too which I cannot wait for. I've never run one with my best friend (sorry girls) so I'm really excited to get him out there with me and have us run one out!

Anything else I'm springing forward with? Saving! I got a raise that started last month and my goal has been to literally put all of that money toward my student loans and savings. My thought? I didn't have that money before, so I shouldn't go on a spending spree, what I should do is take the difference from what I used to make to what I make now in a month and use that excess money for savings and student loans. So far so good! :)

How are you springing forward this year?!?

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