Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Ohh the Sales and its possibility- Fall 2014

Okay, so I told you I would keep up with when I find sales worth noting. I'm a little behind, but don't you worry! Maurices is still having their 75% and 50% off sale. I mean, does it get any better than that? YES! One of the items of clothing I bought works perfectly for early fall with some brown leather boots. Unfortunately a lot of the things I bought that will be shown below needed to be bought online, so I had to wait for it to come in and hope it all fit and I liked it! Don't worry, if you have the items shipped to store the shipping is not only cheaper but you can try the stuff on right there to see if you want to keep them or not.

Alright, so here we go!

Two scarves that I got a Maruices for $4.75 each. So ridiculous and they are perfect for the fall. Unforuntately this sale isn't going on online so if you want them, you will have to find an actual store to go to. Anyway, I wear the plaid scarf with white mostly and jeans, while the silver will match pretty much anything :). 
So here's the top of a dress I got at Maurices as well. It's another great outfit for the fall. I wear it with brown boots and a cardigan  just in case it was cold. It's about knee high length and dark blue which is why I love it so much. Another reason why I loved it? It was $8.75 and no I'm not kidding. You can also get it in a forest-(y) green that will also work well for the fall. It comes with a brown belt, and the dress pretty much fits by size (though the top is a little tight on me but I knew a larger size would be too big) For the full picture of it click here. 

The last dress I'm going to talk about is another one that I got for $8.75 online. I haven't worn it yet because I find it a little too summery but I couldn't not buy it when it was so cheap! I'm not going to lie, it's not my favorite (I still like the blue one better) but it' still super cute for work and lunch dates/vacations. It's comfortable but if you plan to get this dress I would recommend a slip underneath, the bottom is very light and I can already see the wind in Vermont taking it away. It looks like it's sold out online so I can't show you the dress exactly, and I'm sorry that it's already sold out! That will be my lesson to write about these things faster. Anyway, if you click here you can see more sales :). 

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