Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Barnes and Noble Membership!

I finally took the "leap" and decide to get a Barnes and Noble membership. I've been doing my research on it and I haven't been able to find one bad review. I'm not a person that likes to read from a tablet if I can help it. I want the physical book so I can have a full library some day in my dream house (fingers crossed). Anyway, I finally found someone I know who had the membership for awhile and she loved it, the only reason she stopped renewing it was because she now reads everything on her Kindle.

A few reasons why I got the membership:
1.) I like PHYSICAL books, in my hand.
2.) I get free express shipping
3.) It's only $25 a YEAR
4.) A lot of the books are priced the same as Amazon
(and I can't get all the books I want at Amazon at the moment due to their feuding. Not too happy at the moment)
5.) You get coupons through your email regularly
6.) 40% off Harcover Bestellers
7.) 10% off just about everything else (including Starbucks if there is one in Barnes and Noble)
8.) In-Store discounts to members

I haven't actually used the membership yet so I'll get back to you on that. What more reviews or to see the deals for yourself? Here's a link to the Barnes and Noble Membership page.

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